Monday, October 10, 2016

Once Upon an Enchanted Soda Machine

There is a tale as old as time where two unlikely people meet and through a series of circumstances end up loving one another. This is Disney’s finest story line and one we have grown to swoon at because really, who doesn’t appreciate true love’s story? Perhaps the greatest clash of opposing worlds is found in the story of Beauty and the Beast. We all know the tale; full of enchantment, apprehension, determination, and ultimately love. We draw parallels to this story when we see couples in appearance or personalities that remind us of Belle and the “Beast” but in my parallel story Belle is a toddler and the Beast is not under a spell but the kind of love that bloomed is greater than any romantic love could compare to – I’d like to invite you to my guest on this brief story but long journey…

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Myah, she was just over a year old and had already faced Gaston-esque challenges when she found herself in what her young mind would view as an enchanted castle. She had been there before, as a matter of fact she was very familiar with her surroundings but now it was different, now the castle was her home. The Beast had prepared her wing by adorning it with pink walls, white furniture, and colorful toys and books…. so many books. He wanted her to love being there; to feel comfortable and safe and to learn and grow and thrive. But she was timid; afraid of his large stature, deep voice, and commanding presence so she avoided him. He tried talking to her, playing with her, even just sitting next to her but she wouldn’t be persuaded.
Finally, the Beast had an idea. Knowing Myah loved the soda machine located in the castle dungeon he began his invitation to connect by announcing his desire for "pop" and she would watch carefully from the top of the stairs while he retrieved the soda by putting the money in, pushing the button, and cheering when the can appeared. Eventually she was brave enough let him carry her as they descended the stairs together with the promise of her inserting coins, pushing the button, and watching the can roll out. It had worked; this chance encounter became a daily ritual they looked forward to – both realizing there was something there that wasn’t there before.

Over the years the Beast and his Belle forged an unbreakable bond born of sheer determination and the help of a seemingly enchanted soda machine. He fiercely protected her while giving her freedom to become who she was always meant to be and if she ever wants to look back and remember, she just has to gaze into the mirror of a lifetime of memories he carries just for her.  The happily ever after in this tale comes not only because he had saved her but she had saved him too proving that the love between a daughter and her Daddy is far better than any Fairy Tale. 

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Minnesota Chronicles

Entry 1: 
I have forgotten all of my lipgloss. This is tragic and highly upsetting because the nearest VS is too far for a quick run. In a desperate attempt to maintain optimal lip moisture I have purchased $6 cherry Chapstick from the airport which seems to be having the opposite effect on my now painfully chapped lips. Logically I can only attribute this phenomenon to years of solely slathering thick shiny high-quality gloss to my kisser and they are now retaliating in protest to the cheap imposter. I am now concerned Katy Perry's hit song was a lie. 
In addition to my life with pampered lips I have discovered I have become used to entering small spaces and having the lights automatically illuminate. Since no such electrical prowess has been installed here I have found myself standing in the dark searching for the switch on several occasions. This may continue to be a challenge for my clearly conditioned behavior. Damn that Pavlov. 
I have, however successfully conquered day 2 of my nutritional cleanse despite M's relentless attempts to feed me tomatoes, cheese, and raisins though I believe this may have triggered a dream sequence wherein I subconsciously sabotaged myself by partaking in an Isa-shake blended with rum. I have concluded I am both hungry and possibly need to go to AA. 

Entry 2:
I have taken to using the lower level bathroom at R&L's house as it allows for an unabashed explosion of the plethora of cosmetics and beauty tools required to perform my daily routine. What I did not account for is the new hand-held shower head which I have tried in vain to situate at a height for optimal cleaning coverage while not spraying out the door. Feeling sure I had achieved the perfect height, I confidently jumped in only to find myself being pelted with water shooting with the force of a pent up geyser straight into my tired eyes. I am thankful for the aforementioned mass of cosmetics that will be required to mask what I am convinced will become a black eye. 
In addition to the aformentioned bathroom escapades; I am quite certain R may never re-enter his home after leaving for the day for fear he will get another eyeful of someone sitting upon the throne with the door wide open. I'm not sure who was more mortified. Probably him. 
Good news! I discovered a tube of lipgloss I had left on a previous visit. 
Entry 3: 
I am quite certain I don't know how I ever arrived at new destinations prior to cellphone GPS. Even with my little safetynet I managed to get lost in an apartment complex whist looking for a bistro. Were it not for my more than obvious "I'm lost" face and the grace of a sweet old resident I'm certain I'd still be walking around Prior Lake. Operation Surprise D was a huge success. She should turn 40 every year. 
Entry 4:
I received the strangest massage today. I'm fairly certain the therapist has a foot fetish and truth be told this really only works if both people share the affinity. Suffice it to say my pedicurist is now going to wonder why I show signs of PTSD when she puts cotton between my toes. 
Entry 5:
It is possible D now suffers from PTSD as well as there was an incident involving a bikini top and side boob; neither of which were her own. Also, we may be banned from the Galleria - and definitely Crave for for flaunting naked faces in public. We know this to be true from the judging looks bestowed upon us by the Lululemon wearing, Louis Vuitton toting, granola (and only granola) eating Housewives of Edina. 
Entry 6:
I fit in M's boxers. Comfortably. I consider this a double victory: 1) Size matters 2) In no other framily setting could I have paraded around in someone else's underwater and had it be perfectly acceptable.
Final Entry; 7:
Important observation: Once upon a time I was convinced saying goodbye would get easier with time. Time does not always work that way. Time does however offer perspective; I now know I'll gratefully say a thousand tearful goodbyes becuse they always begin with the most amazing hellos.