Thursday, June 17, 2010

In The Beginning...

Blogging is so interesting, don't you think? We post our personal thoughts in a public forum open to others' thoughts, feedback, and yes, sometimes criticism. I have to admit that this vulnerability goes against my natural grain and will, at some point, likely cause a scuff in my otherwise well polished psyche. But, we cannot grow without being stretched nor can we learn without being challenged. Therefore as I embark on this "public journal" of sorts, I find myself armed with nothing more than the simple desire to step out of my comfort zone and an industrial power buffing machine.

The first thought that nudges its way past all the positive ones sticking it's tongue out in mock defiance is "who, if anyone, will read this?" And is quickly replaced with the more stern-faced "it doesn't matter" (accompanied with a shoulder shrug) thought. Which is then followed up with the ever-faithful "who ever is meant to, will" reasoning... and so goes the internal dialog of a self-professed approval seeker on her journey to appeal to the masses with a genuine love of people and the goal of a masterpiece woven with finest threads of the thoughts from those very interactions.


Since I've always been a firm believer in ripping the band-aid off swiftly and painfully, in effort to get the worst over quickly, I will not wuss out and tug gently here either. That being said I would like to issue the following disclaimer:
-Though every attempt will be made to not offend the reader, the author shall not be held liable for hurt feelings or misunderstandings that go unmentioned.
-The reader should bear in mind that contrary to what may have been heard, the author is not a professional blogger and may, at times be required to issue a retraction or correction.
-The author will respectfully listen to feedback and respond accordingly to the aforementioned indiscretions but undoubtedly prefers accolades... and the occasional box of chocolate.

Welcome to my virtual diary, you're invited to snoop.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Time to Fly

Recently I sent an email out inviting friends and family to join me in the Children's Cancer Research Fund "Time to Fly" charity run/walk on June 26th. My involvement with Children's is somewhat recent so I felt it necessary to explain why I've chosen to support them.

As we know, most supporters of a disease cause do so because their lives have somehow been impacted by that illness. Maybe a loved one was lost, someone they care about is faced with the challenge of surviving it, or they, themselves are fighting for their chance to live despite their disease.

Those of you know know me, know that Children's Cancer is not something I have personally been challenged with and that is the very reason I am in support of finding a cure. I can look at Myah and breathe easy because her body is not riddled with cancer cells making her sick. I can take her crazy bushy hair for granted because she is not losing it. I can watch her sleep in the comfort of her own bed and not worry if this might be the last time I see her in peaceful dreams of the future. I can... simply, I can.

I support Children's Cancer Research on behalf of not only the kids, but their parents; their, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends who cannot. They cannot afford to take even a moment for granted.

So if you can, I'd like to invite you to join us too. Come celebrate with us- for we have so much to be thankful for.

Our team name is "Social Butterflies" to commemorate the lovely award CCRF bestowed to me last month. You are welcome to join my team here: